Schedule for a d&c on Tuesday.... I'm so nervous


This is my second miscarriage, first one was in November of 15 and passed naturally. I found out there was no heart beat on the 16th, and I'm scheduled for tuesday morning for my D&C. What can I expect? I'm so nervous? And I'm horrible with pain... like what's the normal process? I know they put you under but do they give you pain meds or anything? I took an extra day off work as well just to be safe.

They're going to genetic testing on the fetus to find out what happened because thankfully my insurance covers it.

Edit: I just found out a really bad possibility.... my fiancé works for a contract power company and apparently there's a bad storm coming. His forman was already made aware he needed Tuesday off to be there for me. Now he may have go work.... if he has to work I don't know how I'll deal or get threw it.... I think I will lose my mind and I don't know if I'll be able to do it and not completely lose my mind.