Blighted Ovum?! Any ladies with information plz?

I had my first ultrasound on Monday 1/16. They found only a gestational sac. I'd been having mild pressure and bladder leakage. I had an hcg on 1/21 at 10730 which was an 83% increase from 72 hrs prior. I ended up in the ER today with sharp vaginal pains, moderate pressure, and bladder leakage so I assumed UTI. I was negative for UTI but have a prolapsed bladder. This would account for all the pressure I've been feeling as well the Dr said the vaginal pain bc of bladder spasms. My ultrasound today measured only 5w1d however my last menstral period was 12/7. I should be at 6w3d. I am obese and I am wondering if this could effect the clarity of the ultrasound.   I am concerned that I may have a blighted ovum. Any one have any ideas? Why such a large discrepancy on the gestational age? I've had a miscarriage before so I'm very anxious...