7 week old so fussy at night... What am I doing wrong??


Im sorry this is a bit long...

I've been reading up on tips to help a newborn sleep... And I know you can't really force a schedule at this point but I've read so many people talk about their night time routine with their 3 to 9 week olds and how they go out like a light and sleep 4 to 6 hours straight.... HOWWW I feel like such a failure and don't know what I'm doing wrong. Since the day she was born she has not slept for more than 3 hours straight and even that was like... 3 weeks ago. I'm such a mess. I've reach the point the night feedings every 1 to 2 hours blur together. I wake up to feed her, end up passing out feeding her without even realizing it to wake up to her fussing... Not understanding why because I JUST fed her only to look at the clock to realize 2 hours have gone by and she wants to be fed again... (And I know that isn't safe and I try to put her down again... I'm just a complete zombie mess here)

About 1.5 weeks ago I started a bedtime routine at 9 in which I bath her, put lotion on her, feed her, cuddle skin to skin for a bit while I read a story, and then dress her/swaddle her and try to put her down. Usually about 9:45. For this whole last week I have not gotten her to actually sleep for anything beyond 20 minutes before midnight... She just screams and fusses on and off... Why do so many people have success with their bedtime routines but I haven't?? Do I need to put her to bed sooner? I'm worried too soon and she'll be wide awake when I want to go to bed at 10pm... Do I need to let her sleep more during the day? Less? I let her make her own day time schedule for the most part. Let her sleep when she gets tired and wake to play when she is alert and interested... even tried to not let her stay up more than 1.5 hours straight today as part of our eat, play, sleep routine attempt... But that didn't work. She'd just get upset that I tried to put her down to sleep when she didn't want to and I'd spent an hour rocking a baby to sleep to only have her down for 20 mins...

I just don't know what I'm doing and I feel like I'm failing at something that should be easy... I don't know what she wants from me when she screams when she should be sleeping even though I've tried everything... I am at a complete loss and just want to cry with her half the time.