pregnant and nuva ring

I feel dumb for posting this but, I'm going to ask anyways
So I keep track of my cycle on glow and while I've gone back and forth from TTC and preventing pregnancy. (Currently ran into some hardships financially, so not the best time) hubby was stupid and came in me during what glow says is ovulation. I went to the pharmacy to get plan B but my insurance didn't cover it. So I went to my Obgyn and got some free nuva ring samples... I shoved one in there mid cycle and was hoping for the best. I know that's really dumb and not practical, but I've been having food adversions like crazy to the point where I can barely eat. I guess my question is could that symptom be from the nuva ring? It's too soon for me to get a pregnant test. I would most likely have to wait another week to take one.
Also I'm afraid now that if I am pregnant with this nuva ring I'll miss carry