Would you marry for money

Ichigo • I have one daughter. I'm also pregnant with my second. Unmarried.
So, as usual, my polls tie into my own life, and I pretty much only come on here to make polls. Too much drama for my already insanely drama filled life. So, I've recently found myself in a position where I now have to marry for money. It's because I'm so dirt poor I cannot feed my daughter, my jobs have yet to give me enough hours (not to mention I no longer have one) and I'm just generally not in a good position and I absolutely refuse to give my daughter up for custody. Her dad refuses to allow me to take her and go to a shelter, so we've hit an impasse. In comes mr military recruiter who says all our problems will be solved if we just get married and join the army (air force is where we'll actually be joining). He and I scored really high on the practice asvap, so there's not especially any issues there. But we both had an issue with the whole..marriage thing. We aren't even together, what about marrying for love..etc etc. Well after a week of deliberation (and me getting cut off my food stamps, which changed my mind instantly, not because I enjoy leechinf off the system, but because I enjoy havinh the ability to feed my daughter) we decided this would be the best way to go. That's just my story, but my question to all of yoi lovely ladies, is would you ever consider marrying someone for money, or is it all about love for you?

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