What we will do to have one baby

Every month over and over its the same deal. We know what we have to do and what we need to do. It's every morning of temp taking to see if it's that time. It's that test taking after so many days after aunt flow comes into town. The constant test taking twice a day. For a week. It's the timers on your phone reminding you to take your prenatals and all the other medicines that you've read on the internet that " seems"to help others you say okay lets give it a try what could it hurt. Its the oils you buy hoping and praying it helps you! It's the praying that this month will be the month but knowing it will prolly not be it. It's the preparing yourself for the worst because that is all you've ever known. It's the time you need to get over the fact that every single person around will get pregnant and have so many kids before you get your first one. It's the prayers that people have prayed for you and the fact you can fell the prayers. You can fell that GOD is here with you but you just don't know understand why he is making you go through this but also being appreciative of it because of how much your marriage has came together because of the many disappointing months of negative tests, the Dr appts you've ran out of the waiting room crying so you don't have to see the pregnant woman. It's the times you've felt sorry for yourself. But its okay. It's okay to go through this. It's okay to fell sorry for yourself. It's okay to just wait it out. But never loose faith in the Lord oh GOD because his plan will prevail. And one day No matter how we will too get our child 👪👪