I feel bad but.....

OK so my Dr put me on 3 days a week 8hr shifts only due to how my job was working me sometimes 12s sometimes 5 days a week now I have been having pains and everything due to this job working me so much and the Dr thought it would be best to put me 3 days a week 8hr only I am a cna and on my feet cooking and cleaning for 8 to 12 hrs a day sometimes get stuck alone with 10 to 12 elders who are LIFTS I'm only allowed to lift up to 50lbs per Dr on another note. Now they are not going by the Dr note and still making me do 12s and sometimes more then 3 days. Dr wants to put me on leave. I feel bad about it but I know it would be best due to only 6 more weeks and we are moving into a bigger house because our family is expanding. Why do I feel bad like I'm the bad guy wanting and allowing the Dr to put me on leave? I love my elders it's just the hours and my body hurts constantly after doing so many hours on my feet and so many days with one or two off days?!