vbac or repeat

Obviously I'm going to go with whatever my doctor thinks is best..just want a little insight from women who have had a vbac or are deciding..first baby I was 18 and was put on bedrest at 36 and given medication to stop my labor, I was 3cm and 100% effaced. Ended up having to be induced at 40 weeks..I don't remember a whole lot about why it resulted in a c section but I had been stuck at 8cm for a while and she was 8lbs 14oz. My doctor does vbacs and he said he would let me try however the odds aren't in my favor with my first being as big as she was. He told me to think about it...and I'm almost convinced on a repeat c section. The risks just seem like too much. But he did say we could see if I go into labor on my own and how I progress and go from there...anyone have any successful/unsuccessful vbac stories to share