diaphragmatic Endo?

So I have been suffering from these symptoms for at least 5 years (on and off) but never really put it all together until I started TTC 15 months ago. Beginning about 5 days before the arrival of AF and lasting through the first 1-3 of AF, I have horrible shoulder, neck, arm pain on the right side as well as pain in both my thumbs and the soles of my feet. On the pain scale I'd say the pain is consistently 7-10. Lately I've been digging around the Internet and see a few stories of ladies with Endo on the diaphragm causing this pain. But it's a very rare problem and many doctors have treated patients like they're nuts when it is first suggested. Plus I know how MDs hate when regular people "play doctor" with Internet degrees. I'm hesitant to say I have Endo as I've always had pretty normal and manageable cycles with little variation throughout my adult life (I just turned 34). 
So I guess my question is, does anyone else out there experience this or am I nuts?