Need to vent LONG

For the past year i have been investigated for a blood disorder, during this whole time they have known i have been trying for a baby (4 years we were trying) when i found out my specialist was confident and reassuring. I told my midwife at the booking in appointment all about my undiagnosed blood condition and passed on all the letters from my specialist. Fast forward a few months, few blood tests, 2 scans NO APPOINTMENTS. So i book one with the senior midwife in charge of my care, waited 2 weeks to see her, turn up today wait 2.5hrs past my appointment time, to find it wasnt her but someone else, and my notes hadnt been completed and hadnt been passed on, and only NOW am i being referred to the senior midwife in charge of my care who is also a hematologist appointment in 1 month!! The results of this appointment can mean my care gets transferred to another hospital in another town, and mean i have to have a c section whilst asleep as i cannot have an epidural or forecep birth😣