I love him but...

I love my boyfriend but I'm not happy anymore. We've been together 4 years and lived together for 2. I feel like we've been together I've grown as a person an he hasn't. I know I don't have to explain or validate myself. He's bad with money, and fairly irresponsible but then talks about babies and buying a home. Like yeah I want those things but he has a hard enough time not running out of money between paydays with just rent and the two of us. That is where most of our arguments stem from. Him not having money or spending money of stupid things he shouldn't. He's 23 I'm 21. I love him so much but I'm to the point where I don't know if things will change. I've tried to talk to him several times and given an ultimatum that if things don't , our relationship will end. He cried when I told him that but it's been almost 3 months and no changes yet. I'm just struggling because I love him so much, but at the same time feel like maybe I need to leave for me. To not settle or hold myself back. I'm not sure why I'm posting I just needed to get it off my chest. I also don't know how he would do on his own as far as bills. He makes enough to cover them and I try not to put that in my consideration but I don't know if he would remember or save enough money to pay them. I'm so frustrated and my mind is a mess.