Pregnancy Test Faint Lines and Reading Instructions


I get line eyes like everyone. I don't mean to be condescending or rude but if you think you need to tweak a test, just try to be patient and test again in a few days. Pregnancy tests, even the early detection ones, are more accurate closer to the day your period is due. This prevents false negatives. I know it's hard to wait but you'll save yourself some unnecessary heartache.

Secondly, read the pregnancy test instructions. Don't read the test after the allotted time. There will be evaporation lines that you could read as a positive when it's not. Each test comes with instructions on how to take the test and read the results. It gives you a timeframe to read the test for the most accurate results. I know we all want to be pregnant but you need to read the instructions.

I know this may sound mean to some but I'm the type of person who likes someone to be blunt and honest with me about things. Baby dust to you all!