
Lacey • Married since 2016❤️•Mommy of 7 👧🏻👧🏼👧🏻👧🏻👧🏼👶🏻👶🏻•
I seriously HATE my neighbor above me. Her and her overweight child that sounds like they're coming through my ceiling. I've asked her if there's any way they could walk without stomping but that's apparently never going to happen. She's never been loud the whole year and half I've been here up until her husband recently left. She says her kids act out because of that well I think it's because she has brought two new boyfriends to live with her in the last month. 🙄🙄 that is what makes kids act out. I'm just so ready to have an actual house! 
End of rant. Anyone else deal with it!?