what do you think of this situation?? I'm so confused

I'm in cosmetology school in philly and this guy I kind of like from work (we work at a restaurant) is coming to get his hair cut on a Friday. We were texting and just briefly going over the details but it's weeks away so I didn't need a set answer right away. I was about to close the convo and just said let me know what you're doing transportation wise (taking the train or driving) a couple of days before. I wasn't expecting him to reply and he did and said "if I do come down it has to be a time you get off work so we can grab cheesesteaks or something" (philly is known for cheesesteaks) and this was so random and nothing either of us said earlier in the conversation eluded to going out after the hair cut. I work Friday nights but he doesn't so I'd have to take off work. And in the whole convo he was indecisive and kept saying maybe, probably, might. A little later in the convo I find out hes a bit drunk and he wasn't making much sense so I told him I'd talk to him the next day when he made sense and was sober; just trying to play it off and be funny about it. Fast forward to recently he hasn't talked to me that much if at all since he mentioned going out and I worked with him the other night and he didn't even look at me(that I saw) or talk to me. We worked together last night and right when he was about to pass me I said hey I have a question for you and I asked him if he still wanted me to take off work the night he was coming down to the city and he knew exactly what I was talking about and he said yeah probably. So if he's not interested then he could have played it off and said shit sorry I was drunk don't remember what I said and that would make me back off and know he's not interested. I can't get a straight answer but he said he's coming to the city for sure. I'm just confused about the whole situation. Any idea what's going on?? Also I'm 20 and he's 23/24