heart ache

Me and my ex girlfriend of 5 years broke up. We been on and off for the last 7 months due to her cheating and I started to see someone else but I never stopped loving her. She stalked me at work called my phone, showed up to my house and even texted the girl I was dating. We ended up getting back together in December and broke up that same month. She hit me up on fb recently on 01/10 and I kind of blew her off, and Exactly 1 week after that on the 01/18 I told her I missed her after doing a lot of thinking, I realized I made a lot of mistakes in our relationship. Now she doesn't want to have anything to do with me. She says she has a new girl, and she wants me to leave her alone and this new girl makes her happy, just after a week. She won't talk to me or see me.... idk what to do I love her so much and my heart is breaking. I can't eat or focus,my hear is breaking idk what to do please someone help me.