So Ready for Another Already.. But Not Really

Kenna • Christian. Wife. Mama.
If the title confused you, welcome to my world. I have never been so conflicted and confused within myself - lol. My daughter will be 3 months old this Saturday! And sometimes I feel like I am not killing this whole mom thing and I am a wreck 80% of the time. But sometimes I feel like a rockstar. 
Well anyways to get to the point, earlier last week I had a pregnancy scare and even had some people on here tell me they saw a faint line, ended up having an AF & was totally relieved. I know I want to have as much time with my first born as much as possible! I am so in love with her and just want it to be us for awhile. But on the other hand, I am wanting another so bad already. Idk if its just because I love her so much and just can't wait to love my second, if I just love being a mom that much, or just missing being pregnant! Either way, I feel like all those reasons are selfish on my part. 
I just wanted to vent/ rant cause there's not really anyone I can say any of this too and make sense lol. 
But if any of you ladies have any stories or advice on this subject, I'd love to hear them! Or even if y'all have ever felt the same way - maybe give me some insight and let me know I am not going crazy!