Crying babies


So I think most of us have seen the I don't like my 7 month old post.well that post caused me to do a lot of thinking which has lead to this post. I am making this to help other mothers out. I want this post to be helpful to anyone. A crying baby can drive any of us nuts.i remember when my rainbow baby Forge was born and I brought him home.he wouldn't sleep unless I held him and he cried until my husband would get off of work.on his 3rd day home I just broke down crying and my husband had his mom come over and give me a break so I could sleep and get help with his crying. Best thing to happen in those early weeks. As I have gained experience as a mother over the last 5 months I have come up with a list of things that cause my son to cry and ways that I have found that help calm him down. I think it would also be great if other mothers (and if any dad's are on here) do the same.lets band together as women and help each other out,and no please don't shame other mothers if they do things like co-sleep/bed share,formula feed,breastfeed,baby wear or don't baby wear.sometimes those things save our sanity as morhers, especially if you are a sahm and have no one to help you.

So here I go

My baby loves to cuddle and be held,but there are times where he feels smothered and wants to be left alone.i found this out the hard way because he was just crying and I set him down on a blanket on the living room floor with one of his toys and I walked away for a minute to collect myself.guess what all he wanted was to roll around and play on his own.

For gas I do tummy massages and use mylicon gas drops.helps solve that issue.also helps with constipation.

My son likes to play with cell phones.well obviously we can't let him play with our cell phones.well he would get mad and cry.sp we bought one of those vtech toy cell phones and it amuses him for hours.

The car seat has my son hollering and screaming the second he gets put into we downloaded white noise apps on both of our phones and we use the app when we put him in the car seat and it has been a wonder!

My baby likes movement and to see everything he can.sometimes he will cry until I get up and walk around with him . generally this is the 4th thing I check off on the typical list of hungry,dirty/wet diaper,gas,and hot or cold,and no sleepy list that you are told about.

I suggest trying babies in different positions to be held.sometimes they get tired of one position all the baby does.

Quick edit I forgot to add that my son hated pacifiers,but he loves teething any mom's whose baby's won't take a paci try a teething toy.

My son also likes when fart noises and sucking noise are made on his do the sucking noise I place my lips on his neck part them and pull air through them.makes a kissy or sucking noise and my lips are barely touching him,but he loves the noise.