Labor Advice


I had my son a week ago today. I was exactly 41 weeks and went in for a ultra-sound to see if baby needed induced or if my placenta could keep him happy another week. My ultra sound showed signs of distress with baby. They rushed me over to L&D to do more test and monitor me and baby. I was having contractions 30 seconds to a minute apart but they would stop for a minute here or there and vary in severity. Babys heart rate was good but I was only dilated to a 1 and the doctors were worried about what hours of hard labor would do to an already stressed baby. They offered an induction but warned if baby showed any additional stress an emergency C-section would be necessary. At this point they were also worried about my placenta detaching because my non stop contractions with no dilation was a warning sign of that. So my husband and I decided to just go with a voluntary C- section. Everything went great but baby was definitely ready to come out. The doctor said it was a good thing we went with a C section because baby was to big to be delivered vaginally. He is now a very healthy one week old baby boy!

My advice is to make no assumptions and be open minded to what your doctors suggest. I had a 100% healthy and great pregnancy. Not one issue with me or baby the whole time and I was healthy and active. My doctor and I had discussed my preferred birth plan before and like most others I wanted a vaginal birth. The LAST thing I wanted or thought I would need is a C-section. So I was so unprepared and I had done zero research on C-sections and that made it way more stressful. Luckily my doctor and all the amazing nurses made it a really great experience. I would just say to anyone who is just certain as I was that a C section is out of the question just do a little research on them so if it does happen your prepared!