Discharge Concern, Help!!

So I'm 16 years old and a junior in high school and I've always had problems with a regular period, ever since I can remember getting my first one. I got my first period in the 8th grade when I was twelve years old (I'm young for my grade level), up until about 10 months ago, I only received my periods about twice a year, unexpectedly. I had my first boyfriend in, I think, late March of last year and we dated for almost 5 months. While we were dating, we did just about everything except for sex. During that time, my periods began to regulate to once a month like every other teen girl. Unfortunately though, when we broke up, they went right back to being super unreagular and I hadn't had my first period after the breakup till about 2 and a half weeks ago when I was laying in bed and my vaginal area started burning like crazy to where I couldn't even wear underwear and when I looked down there with a mirror, it was super red. I was freaking out but it was late at night so I didn't want to wake anyone up so I just put baby powder on it. The next morning I had started my period and the burning and redness had gone away. I doubt I'm regulated now but I recently had been seeing some dark brown discharge mixed in with my regular disharge. At first it wasn't that much but after today, it was a little bit bigger than a quarter-sized amount of it. I'm kinda nervous cause this isn't normal and I'm not sure what to do, please help asap!!