Women's Rights

I'm going to keep this short tho I am very distraught.... I don't think Trump realizes that women don't all get pregnant on accident from being stupid. I've seen plenty of women on here saying they were on birth control and had protection and still ended up pregnanct. Taking abortion away as an option from perfectly respectable women would be terrible! Not to mention control what we can do with our bodies is terrible as it is. Not to mention the issues of rape!!! I was trying to be optimistic when I watched his inageration and heard the national anthem and the joyous trumpets. But the choices he has made since then have reduced me too tears. So long women's rights, so long environment protection, so long progression of American ideal. :( 
P.S. please don't be mean in the comments I just didn't feel comfortable posting this on Facebook and had to let it out somewhere. I still hope things get better but im 16 and can't take part in big changes and marches so I'm reduced to just talking and watching and listening to what's happening and the future isn't looking like a place I want to be an adult in. 
Thank you.