Transition From Bed to Bassinet?

Girl Mom. 🎀 • Mama bear of two!
My baby girl is only 5 days old but I'm really wanting to get her out of my bed. This is only because I am a heavy sleeper and I'm always terrified that I'm going to roll over on her or that I'll move a blanket in my sleep and it'll cover her little face. However, she hates the bassinet. I can't get her to sleep in it for longer than 35-45 minutes without waking. I've tried putting her on her side or swaddled and that doesn't help. She won't take pacifiers. She also won't sleep at night unless she's being held. She is a very happy baby until it comes to that bassinet. Simply, when she's in the bassinet we don't sleep. By the time I take her out and calm her down it's time to feed/change/burp her and repeat. It's exhausting and with my husband working nights, it's all on me. However she will nap during the day in her swing. I know she's still very small but I really would love to get her to sleep in the bassinet, which is about a foot away from my side of the bed. Any tips or advice on this, or maybe things I could try differently? How old was your little one when you made the transition? Any advice truly helps.