When women say they "don't need feminism"


I will upload this & share a million times for any woman who claims they don't understand feminism & why we need it.

We need it because we're human. Because we're afraid of being attacked by men we can't fight off. We need it because of how rape culture teaches men it's okay to rape & places blame on the victims instead of their attackers. We need feminism that is inclusive to women of color, trans women, disabled women & women in other countries. We need need feminism because, regardless of what you think, not all women are treated equal. We need feminism because domestic violence didn't become completely illegal until the 1970's, yet many men still get away with their abuse. We need feminism because Brock Turner only had to serve 3 months in jail for violating an unconscious woman. ALSO, if it weren't for FEMINISM, we would NOT have the rights we do have today!!!

You can say you don't need feminism all you want, but I will NOT sit idly by while my sisters are raped without consequences to their attackers, I will not watch as my sisters are beaten down by men twice their size. I will not be silent as a young girl is traded for marriage. I will not be silent. I will NEVER BACK DOWN & I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING!!! I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!!!