I've always heard of "paying it forward" but I'd never experienced or seen if occur first hands. However, today while at Starbucks, a worker who I'd exchanged careless conversation with multiple times saw my frustration in getting my order right. "How about I get you a free sample, so you can decide you if you like it (their new roasted butterscotch frap)?" Initially I didn't know what to think! I don't even let my boyfriend pay for my movie ticket! "C'mon! I'll use one of my free drinks, we get three and I only ever drink one." A couple exchanges later and they'd prepared me a tall Roasted Butterscotch Frappucinno and I was on my way without paying. 
I left the shop feeling amazing because someone had shown me that kindness. I wound up leaving 5.50 in the tip jar and sheepishly walking out. I was completely dumbfounded, I didn't even think about paying for the next persons drink. Plus, it was almost time for closing. 
Anyway, my point is, before this happened my day was terrible. I genuinely wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry, alone, in my room. But, because of this act of kindness, I walked out feeling really good about myself and my day! I know I'll probably never see that barista again now that I really want to, but if she just so happens to be reading this, I wanted to express my gratitude and happiness toward her actions. Thank you so so much, you truly made my week! In addition, I feel like the Starbucks in Snider Plaza (Dallas, Texas) always takes really good care of their customers and that's a really important detail when it comes to a hospitality based business! Thanks again you guys, if any of y'all are reading this, it means a lot!