breastfeeding/baby rooting

Grace • Zion James 1/22/17, Kingston👼🏽 10/14/18, rainbow baby due December 19’🌈💕
My son is 3 days old and I'm breastfeeding. He's been doing really good since I got a nipple shield. But before he gets latched he gets so angry. He tries to root and he just flings his head back at forth, then he goes to his hands and sucks on them and gets angry cause it's not my boob lol and when he's rooting he will have my nipple in his mouth and it would be a perfect latch but he pulls it in and out and then just cries because he can't get it. I feel so bad cause I know if he would just suck he would get it so much faster. How can I get him to latch faster, or show him that he doesn't have to keep searching around just suck? My LC from the hospital gave me a little dropper with sugar water that worked amazing but it's almost gone, it only has a few drops left so I'm saving it just incase