2 days old, is this normal?

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

We just got released from the hospital this morning. Our first pediatrician visit is tomorrow afternoon. We have been blessed enough to be naturals at breastfeeding. We are still learning how to latch well and quickly but once she's on she's on and she has awesome audible swallowing (and an appropriate number of dirty and wet diapers)...

Well, now that my milk is really coming in, my daughter wants to eat almost hourly. She only stays awake for 10 minutes maximum of feeding since last night but usually only makes it 5. I feel like she started upping the frequency to get my milk supply going but now I'm starting to wonder when she'll be able to eat for long enough that we can go back to every 2 hours at least. She had been going closer to 3 hours in the beginning and feeding for usually 15 minutes or longer!

Anyway, I plan to check in with the dr about it tomorrow but I wondered if anyone else had a similar experience and how it worked out.