C Section and Exercise

When is it okay to begin exercising after a c section? What is your experience?
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My doctor says 6 weeks


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I was cleared at 4 weeks for cardio. Before then, walking only. At 6 weeks, started weights. 7 weeks spin class. 8 weeks yoga. No core till 10 but not back to normal core even now 15 weeks pp. Everything else is fine but abs still sore so I gauge based on how i feel. Guessing by 6 months I'll be ready to push harder by not willing to risk hurting myself there


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When the doc clears you...mine cleared me at 4 weeks, but I've been taking ab workouts slow...everything else I feel fine doing, but it definitely makes abs harder to work...


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Once the doctor says it's OK normally 6 to 10 weeks depending on your healing they will say take it slow. Each person is different some heal faster and are able to do it me personally it took over 6 months before there was not any pain trying to do tummy work outs


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