I don't know what to do..

So.. Long story short. Met a guy last year, started dating, had a baby together, been together for a year & 2 months I believe. He left me 3 times throughout my pregnancy, was hardly there for me, hurt me a lot, called me names, just very mean, & I just stood there & took it like nothing. I ended up in the hospital 3 times for contractions because he put me in panic attacks & anxiety attacks. Told me to change myself, I did, when I asked him too, he said he shouldn't have to change for me to love him....? Now, we're trying to work it all out, but he still is so mean to me at times. I asked him to stay calm when we fight, or if I voice my feelings, he doesn't. Just isn't working out like I want. Another long story short, I met this other guy when I was 13 or so, we video chatted a lot, talked on the phone a lot, just always was talking. We hung out also a lot, well than we fell apart & stopped talking. Fast forward to now, he started talking to me again, maybe a month or so ago. He has came to see me @ work 2/3 times, when I got off & we talked & talked.. he said about getting a house 2 hours away from everyone & what not, he hinted it at me, like for me to come with. We have been talking daily, and just everything.. idk what to do, we just have fun when we hang out & talk. I really like him. We have history. But I love my boyfriend. I want to have a conversation with him tonight. But I'm just scared. 😔😒.. any advice?