cinnamon I'm in love with it pcos best friend please read this worked fabulous for me after only 3 days xx

Ok lady's so as you know I found out I hadn't been ovulating due to pcos and was going on four months without a bleed... well it was suggested by someone for me to try a spoon full of cinnamon with 1/4 glass of milk once in morning and once in the afternoon you do this all though your whole cycle... anyway fast forward I take multivitamin and mineral every day. I starting on the cinnamon 3 days ago and guess what I'm 100 % ovulating today and omg the amount of ewcm is unreal I've never had this much ewcm ever and I've been getting my af since I was 16 so about 11 years now. I'm have tears rolling down my face and I'm so happy 😊 it's like someone opened a flood gate of ewcm so I would like to suggest to everyone with pcos please give the cinnamon a chance it could change your whole world. P.s this can also be used even if you don't have pcos it is good for your body in general... good luck girls and wish me luck. My two week wait is about to start and I feel amazing 😉 xx