Bitches be crazy

Ok so I knew my in laws were pretty out there, and when my hubby and I moved in and the drama started, I learned how to handle it.

But...uh...this is new.

So apparently they've resorted to hiding cameras around the house now.


Who frigging hides cameras in their own house to spy on people??

And the only reason I found out was they tore them down and pitched a fit last night because they eaves dropped on my husband and I having a conversation while we were alone in the kitchen, and they didn't like what they heard.

And all I can do is laugh when I think how many times my husband and I have had sex in the living room and kitchen when we had the house to ourselves....

Hahahahaha hope they enjoyed the show....God. some people have issues.

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Posted at
I have cameras in my house, fired some babysitters because of them😡


Melissa Carrie🐠 • Jan 30, 2015
I think that's awesome!! They will love the show💕 If we didn't have little kids I don't think we'd have cameras..kinda odd


Posted at
Your title makes the whole point your trying to address sound ignorant. It's very rude and disrespectful of you to have sex in the living room, let alone the kitchen when they took you in. Shown some respect and do it in your own room....


Posted at
Why would you have sex in the kitchen? That's where they eat too. It's kinda rude. But it's their house so they are allowed to put all the cameras in there that they want. I suggest moving out.