rainbow baby after 24 weeker loss

Last March 4, 2016 I was in bed sleeping and woke up because I thought I had just peed myself I ran to the bathroom because I was all wet. I thought baby must be baby on my bladder, so I went back to bed thinking I can't believe I peed. One hour later I woke up mind you it is now about 1 am (now march 5th) again to the same gush sensation again ran to the bathroom. By now I thought this isn't good and is not normal. I went to the hospital , they said I was fine my water didn't break that it was "semen" coming out because my husband and I had been active a FEW day prior and sent me home. I knew something wasn't right, EVERYTIME I MOVED clear WATER GUSHED OUT. So I went home by 4 am and went to bed,but became terrified to move because i didn't want to have water come out. Finally about 2 in the afternoon the water/discharge started to change color to a light green. I went back to the hospital because I knew it wasnt normal. I get admitted and they did an exam, when they came back the doctor told me ... 
"you're water broke...."
( pause )
( I started balling hysterically I knew it wasn't okay and she wasn't done ) 
" and you have an infection" 
Baby needs to come out....
They were telling be I can do a D/C or deliver and I said I'm not going to abort  my perfectly healthy baby.
So I opted to be induced and he was born on March 7, 2016 handsome baby boy.
Now here is the thing...
Right when he was born they moved him to the incubator and no one helped him we were demanding for the NICU DOCTOR TO  COME !!  He gets there about 5 minutes later and right as he is entering the door he says 
" He's to small, im not going to help him" 
My husband, my mom, and myself are begging him to help him and he said "no he's too small" 
The nurse tried comforting  me and telling me "he doesn't want to hurt him since baby is small " and then the doctor yelled at her " I can do my job thank you" basically shuting her up. In my head I don't know what's going on, is this really happeneing?? Is my son going to die because no one will help us ?? The doctor just leaned against the wall with his arms crossed staring at me , as I was crying until a nurse asked him if he had somewhere else to go. 
He's 24 weeks and over 1 lb !!!!! I see 24 weekers survive on online often! 
 He was moving and breathing
Benjamin Mateo Medina my sweet boy passed away shortly after in the arms of my husband. He knew he was loved the little amount of time we got to spend with him.
It took me a few months to recover from that traumatic experience and now I am expecting my rainbow baby due in August... 
I'm happy but I am scared I don't know how to feel excited. 
I just want it to be August already to be holding baby in my arms.