Sleep training CIO


Our LO is on her second night of CIO sleep training. She's been bed sharing up until this point. Last night we did bath boob book and then kissed her goodnight and put her in bed. She's starting to walk so she spent an hour and 45 minutes screaming as she walked around the edge of the crib.

Finally she stopped screaming sat down in the corner and nodded off while sitting down. Problem is when she'd fall asleep she'd jerk her head back up and wake herself up. This continued for hours until she finally passed out in a crawling position with her face on the floor of the crib. I went in and laid her down and she slept for an hour or two before waking up and again sitting in a corner.

Tonight we put her down an hour ago and she cried for 45 minutes and cried the whole time I read her a book because she knew what was coming.

Now she stopped crying but is sitting up in her crib again. Is this Ok? Did this happen to anyone else? Did your LO eventually lie down? How long did it take for the LO to not cry when you put them down.

We're losing our minds it's so sad but we know we need to do it.