12 week ultrasound and DNA testing

Michaela • 22 years old. Recovering from the death of our daughter. Trying for baby #2.
So this will be kinda a random and maybe a long post but... at 12 weeks we had to see MFM because our daughter who was born at 20 weeks had trisomy 13. We went in and had our in depth ultrasound with their super high tech machine. We could see everything and it was amazing. The baby turned and immediately the tech says "I've never been wrong and I'm certain this is a girl". The entire time since we found out we were expecting we've been saying it's a boy and I just had this feeling. Well I'm perfectly fine with a girl. We start unpacking our daughters things and planning the nursery for a girl. Well fast forward 13 days, the nurse calls with our free cell DNA test results. She lets us know that everything with baby is completely normal and then drops the bomb that we are having a BOY! I couldn't believe her and made her tell me like 10 times. Now I'm just in shock. I'm not disappointed at all but just don't know how to feel because I had already started planning for a girl and gotten in that mindset. Y'all IM HAVING A BOY and I can't believe it!