How to deal with emotions after failed IUI?


Hello everybody! I am looking for advice and honestly looking to hear other stories so I dont feel so alone.

To make a very long story kinda short- Hubby and I have been trying for three years. Activly tracking cycles for a little over two. I suffer from sever PCOS and had a surgery over the summer to get rid of several 8cm blood filled cysts on my ovaries. The surgery didnt go as planned... my ovaries were so bad and i was loosing a lot of blood. They thought they would have to take them out. I am only in my 20's so thank God they didn't..however with the sizeof the cyst I get and the kind that they are I will have to get them removed. Doctor gave me 1-2 years. Im obviously on a clock so my husband and I tried our first <a href="">IUI</a> this month. I am supposed to start my period in the next two days. Give or take. But i know I am not pregnant and that this <a href="">IUI</a> did not work. Obviously i have already tried clomid, femara and injections. Nothing has worked. I beleive in miricles and I also believe in God timing. But I cannot help but feel like an inadequet woman. Do ya'll ever feel like why is my body not doing what a womans body is MADE TO DO?! I cant help but get angry every time I see a teen pregnancy or even an adult who gets pregnant who is not ready or even wants to be a mom!! Worse than that- drug addicts/alcoholics. Why am I having to pay $1500 every cycle to do something that my body should already know how to do?? Which if I try <a href="">IVF</a> will be 20xs more than that.

I could go on and on but ladies please spill your guts to me and let me know im not the only one going trough this. I NEED someone to vent WITH. And unfortunatly as most of you in this group probably know all too well- 99% of people we know in real life have no clue what we are going through. And even though they try to give advice with good intentions... it doesnt really help when they are not in your shoes.