pregnancy funnies

So I thought I would share my experience from last night (well the past week ) it's pretty funny to me lol so I'm 32 weeks 5 days and I am VERY hot natured. It's been cooler where I lived and I still run the air on like 63 and a fan in my face. Well I sleep naked (sorry if tmi) because I am more comfortable, and the past few nights I've been waking up "sweating" so I thought. I mean like my neck and under my breast we're just drenched in "sweat" so my first reaction is who the fuck touched my AC. I went on a rampage for two days threatening to kill my husband if he turned it up because I was "sweating" and I couldn't stand being hot (I didn't feel hot but I was "sweating" so obviously I was hot right?!) well last night I slept on my stomach and my breast were pressed into my pillow. Apparently this entire time it's been me leaking milk 😂😂😂😂 I woke up with it all over me and my hair I was like what the hell is this shit (I guess I have only been leaking at night?!) I only knew it was my breast because when I got up I had two round wet spots directly under where my nipples were. My husband died laughing at me I was so mad. Needless to say he went downstairs to my in laws and told them that "he was sorry for the way I acted" and told them why I was being a rampaging psycho. They all laughed at me. I guess I have to start sleeping with a shirt or something so I don't wake up covered in "sweat". Gotta love pregnancy right!? What's your funny pregnancy embarrassing stories?