so many things on my mind! anyone with me?

I am 15wks along and could not be more thrilled! We are waiting to find out the gender until 20 wks because of how many of my friends have gotten false genders >_< but it seems like gender is All I can think about! Is it a boy or a girl! Ahh!? 
My husband is also with the military and we are going to be being restationed within a month of the due date and my family typically carries late, another ahh!?! 
I feel I will have a lot more peace when I know one or both of these things! 
Anyone have questions they can't wait to get the answers to so they can start mentally preparing/ nesting?
-I also feel like my "bump is just pushing the little fat I had to the surface making me actually fat ;)
- I have a hard time wanting to eat things that I can't finish quickly, but if I eat too quickly I will get sick again.