The dreadful two week wait! Ugh!!!

A little back story! My So and I have been TTC for a year now. Last year we got a bfp and sadly at 10 weeks I had some brown spotting went to emergency and found out baby had no longer had a heartbeat so on July 13 we had a d&c it was so heartbreaking! So we decided to try again and got our bfp on Oct 16 I was soo happy! Shortly after our bfp I started to bleed went to emergency to only see a an empty sac but was told I could be just Early. for the next four weeks in a row I went every week hoping to see a yolk sac and fetal pole on the second week we saw the yolk sac I was in tears I thought yes i was just too early but went back for more ultrasounds and there was still no fetal pole and was told I would need another d&c which we had done Nov 29. My heart was in pieces not one but two miscarriages in 6 months. So we've decided to try again but track everything so we know when we ovulated. So I got my first period on Jan 7 2017 and my first positive opk on jan 24 my cycles are roughly 32 days so we bd regularly throughout my fertile period before and after so please send baby dust our way as we're praying this will be the month for our rainbow baby. And oddly enough our due date would be in Oct which is the month my aunt was murdered in and I can't help but think she's gonna make this happen for us and have something positive happen for our family in Oct as its a tough month as it's still an unsolved murder case. And I would love nothing more then carry her name on with our bundle of joy. Her name is Donna Jean Awcock. Please pray for us. The dreaded two week wait is killing Me.