TTC and Aunt Flow early...

Amanda • 27, Married, 1 Boy 1/17/18
Looking for any feedback on what could possibly wrong. I am TTC #1, Cycle 4. My last period was on January 6th & lasted 3 days. This is my first month utilizing OPK I got a peak result on Cycle Day 12, which was 5 days before GLOW was predicting... no big deal. I just entered it in the system and it reconfigured my AF date for February 1st.  I went to the bathroom earlier and had one dot of dark brown blood. Thought possibly implantation as I am only 10DPO. However, I just went to the bathroom and am spotting red when I wipe... clearly AF is coming. I am extremely worried as I am only on Cycle Day 22. I typically have 28-30 day cycles. What could this be? 😢😢 any feedback is welcomed. Good Luck and Baby Dust to all ❤️❤️