Miscarried and Pregnant in the same month... Has this happened to anyone else??!

My fiancée and I found out we were pregnant early December... We were so excited!! But at 6 weeks and 3 days ( On Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>) we lost our little tiny... 
I only bled for a week, I had to do weekly HCG draws at my local clinic ( where I work) for 3 weeks... 
On January 10th my labs came back at a 0.5 my levels had dropped nicely on their own and my Doctor said with numbers that low... the miscarriage was behind us, She said my cervix was closed...
On January 26th I took a home test... I had pregnancy symptoms... very positive, and I have no idea how...
A home test doesn't read after 10 days??!!
And with my HCG draw so low 10 days ago, THAT wouldn't read either??!!
I walked into the lab for a quick Beta HCG draw the afternoon of the 26th... And found out, I'm pregnant again!! My levels where 172.... Doc said I'd be 1-2 weeks along but she is completely baffled at it all... I never even had a period? And how did a home test read that early? 
Had anyone else had ANYTHING like this happen??!!