I might be pregnant again already

Brianna • Mommy of 2 adorable girls, wife of 1 sexy man, caregiver to 7 chickens, 2 dogs, 2 ducks and a cat.
I really hope I am not. I have my 4 year old and now my almost 3 month old. I am done with kids. I am happy with 2, but now I think I might be preggers. I was taking the mini pill but stopped because I just don't stop bleeding while I am on it. I am exclusively breast feeding so I figured between that and my hubby pulling out I would be ok. However it's been a few weeks since we last had sex. I have been feeling very crampy like my period is going to start. Then yesterday when I wiped there was a little blood. I figured I got my period. But then that was it. Just a little blood in the one wipe. Implantation bleeding?? So how soon after the bleeding can I take a test? I know it sounds bad not being excited about a new baby, but I just hope I am not pregnant. My babies would be 11 months apart. We were on the fence between 2 and 3 kids so I know my husband will be excited, but after the last few months taking care of 2 kids I decided I am good with 2. Ugh I hope my period is still just off schedule from breast feeding.