Missing the very first days.

My husband has six weeks of paternity leave and at first, it was wonderful. He helped me in every way he could, running errands and making meals and ensuring the baby was cared for if I was unable to get to him (I had an emergency c-section). I'm now 11 days postpartum and his gentle consideration has slipped away. I'm often the one caring for the baby all day while he sleeps - only taking naps when I can, doing laundry when I can, cooking when I can, trying to do my college assignments when I can, pumping milk when I can (my son is exclusively given breast milk but I cannot nurse him directly due to tongue tie). It feels like as soon as I recovered mostly from my surgery, his consideration tapered off. 
I know he is tired too and I do my best to let him rest and to keep our son mellow and cared for, but I am feeling alone. Having a newborn is exhausting, and I feel like I have been more than generous in letting him sleep 5-7 hours a day when I am only getting 2-3 hours a day myself. I'm not angry, just lonely. I know I need to talk to him about it but I just don't feel supported right now and I know he is going to be defensive.
I guess I just needed to vent. 😞