Scared something is wrong.....

I'm 17 weeks and 4 days and last night my lower back was hurting so bad so I asked my sister to rub my lower back. I asked her to put some pressure on my tailbone and when she did that she pushed super hard down. When she did that I felt like my uterus was pushed up, it felt like a balloon being pushed up. It didn't really hurt just uncomfortable. I didn't think to much of It last night and just went to bed. When I woke up I was kinda sore really low on my belly, it's been pretty tender all day and my lower back is still hurting. I haven't bleed any. But have just been sore all day and hurts when i walk. I talked to my midwife who is having me come in tomorrow to hear the heart beat, she said If I experience any bleeding or cramping to go to the er. I'm really worried cause if the soreness. I haven't gone to the er yet cause I have really bad anxiety and I don't know of I'm just overreacting. Has anyone ever experienced something like this? Should I be worried cause I feel sore? Thank you for your input.