Ariana • I'm 20 and we're currently pregnant with baby number one. EDD October 28 2015. 😊👶✨👶🎃
Ok so I really thought this month was my month I was so sure I was pregnant but then I started randomly bleeding a week before aunt flow which is unusual because I normally have a regular cycle 5 day period 23 day cycle. But this time the period was heavy for about two days and a half maybe three days then the period kind of stopped and there were just little blood cloths coming out and I called my doctor she told me she didn't know why I was bleeding (I need a new doctor i know). Now I have these weird symptoms & the period or whatever it was stopped 3 days ago. I have been having headaches, back pains, feeling light headed the other day, and I have this liquid kind of stuff coming out of me and I don't know what it is. I was just looking at the hpt faint lines and saw someone say that they just got an positive after having what they thought was a period has anyone expeirenced this and got a BFP or does anyone knows what's going on with me? I'm sure your answered will be better than my doctors I don't know. I took a $1 test the other day and it was negative so I'm so confused !