Depression with weaning

Paige • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

My baby is 7 months, and unfortunately we've had to make the hard decision to wean, due to some personal issues that have come up. The last few weeks, I've gotten her down to 1-2 feedings a day, but the closer we get to weaning, the more depressed I get. I cry for hours every night. I'm picking screaming matches with my husband. I've contemplated suicide multiple times and I'm distancing myself from my baby. I don't feel like looking after her and just want to lay around i silence and eat.

I know that in part, this is guilt because I feel terrible that I didn't make it to at least a year, but it feels like my problem is more hormonal. I've found some stories online that say this can happen because you stop getting those oxytocin surges, but I'm not sure how long to expect this to last or whether I'm going to need something to help me through. Has anyone experienced this before and does anyone have any advice?