So ladies.. :( My daughter is about to be 6 months on the 31st. We have breastfed since she was born and around 3 months we started formula along with breastfeeding and we were still going strong until recently. I've noticed she knows what she wants

VIIXXXIMMXVII🎀💕 • FT young mom & dad to a Babygirl born July 31st,2016 @ 39w. 6lbs even 19in long. ❤ She has changed our life before making an entrance🙌 Thank God for all we have :)
& chi chi time isn't as often as before :( I'm deff not giving up yet as my goal was to breastfeed until 18 months but I'm still happy I was able to enjoy this journey thus far 💕😍 It's been an amazing bonding experience I'll NEVER forget 😄