I need some advice! LO is not having full night sleep

Laura • Mommy of 2 handsome boys.
He's 7 months old. His schedule throughout the day is this, wakes up around 630-7 has a bottle falls asleep. Wakes up 9-10 has breakfast, some snacks (puffs), an hour later takes another bottle around 11 to 12 takes another nap. Wakes up hast lunch has some more snacks takes a bottle an hour later. He eventually takes another around 4 or 5. Wakes up and has dinner, and since has chicken in the baby food he doesn't ask for a bottle until 2 hours later. Eventually around 8 or 9 he does to sleep. But always wakes up around 2 or 3 in the morning to have a bottle. And wakes up around 630 7 and we keep on going. I have tried the cereal in the bottle, feeding him a bit later than the usual. Put more milk in his bottle. But he just keeps waking up. I remember my 5 year old sleeping throughout the night by 5 months or so. I need help. I feel "tired" with those middle of the night feedings.