what's going on?

Katie • Christian, married to my Prince Charming, saved a Princess, had a prince, expecting our 3rd NOV 2!🤰🏻
So last week started with a couple of days of watery discharge (that soaked my undies, tmi, sorry), then I had indigestion/heartburn the rest of the week (all I could eat was peanuts and pistachios and not get sick), my period was supposed to start Friday, but nothing (but it can be scattered sometimes), and today my nose starts bleeding and I haven't had a nose bleed since high school. Should I take a pregnancy test or wait it out a couple of more days?
(I'm 23, and my husband and I have been ttc since we got married almost 3 years ago).
I've also been super weepy, like over everything. Idk if that has anything to do with it.