hi please don't judge

Is there anyone here who can't control like pms emotions??? I'm asking because I honestly have tried everything and I can't control how I feel or what I say. For like a day or two I become the absolute most depressed person ever and cry over everything and every little thing upsets me. Idk why this happened. When I was little my parents always assumed it was just me misbehaving/being bratty but now that I am older I can't control it at all. If anyone can relate please comment I don't have anyone else I feel comfortable asking. Idk if my hormones are out of whack or what. I usually get periods every 2.5 weeks for over 3 years. I've been to tons of ob/gym and the just give men birth control I do it like they say and it changes nothing. I got more upset on that since I gained weight each time. I'm trying to find a doctor to order hormone blood tests but my insurance is crazy. Okay end of rant thanks for the help!