41 weeks and 3 days.

She is finally here!! We went in on 1/30 for an induction.... they put the pill in my cervix and we waited 4 hours. I was dilated to a 1 so we did another round of the pill and 4 hours later was still only at a 1 but my cervix was getting soft. I got the foley bulb. Well I only had that for about 30-45 minutes, with some contractions then it just popped right now. Finally to a 4 and feeling so hopeful with how fast I went from a 1 to a 4. I thought I was good and would continue to dilate that fast. I was then put on pitocin. Holy.... That sucked! My contractions were getting stronger. I just kept pushing through it because I didn't want to start my Epidural "to early and slow the progress.... after about 3 hours on it, I had to get the Epi. I was barely dilated to a 5 so the dr broke my water to see if that would help..... once I got the epi I was able to fall asleep and just let my body relax. Well my body was relaxing but baby girl was struggling. With every contraction her heart rate would dip and slowly come back up. We watched this for about 6/7 hours. Well 3:30 am the doctor came in and said it's time for a C-section. After almost 24 hours and you are only to a 5/6. I strongly recommend the C-section because of the baby dips. It could just be the cord being squished. Or it could be wrapped around her neck and cutoff oxygen and a couple other things. She left the room and let me and my husband talk. We could either A) Not have the c-Sec and continue with pitocin and take our chance. Or 
B) have the C-sec and get my daughter here safe and healthy. 
Duh we picked C-sec. 
Indie Mae was born at 5:35 am 1/31. 😍
We are so in love. 💕💕