ADHD/ADD and taking the pill

Hi so I'm throwing this out there for anyone to respond if they have the same situation or know what could help!
So I am ADD and tendency for odc(not like organize everything but for a small example when I see a yellow car while I'm in a car I have to touch the roof of the car lol idk it's just what I do) I take Vyvanse for it and my birth control gives me like a two day super light period with cramps and all that jazz but if I miss 1 and take it way later the next night then I won't get a period for like 2 months, weird right? So do y'all have anything you might recommend as a birth control pill option that you know won't mess with my vyvanse?
Yes I know go to my doctor she'll be able to help, and I am but we talked about it last time and she want me to research and see before I come back. So please le me know ❤️