ppd /suicide

Post partum depression is very serious. It is something that should be talked about with dr's. Do not feel embarrassed or ashamed to talk about it.... there was a post that was removed about a woman wanting to leave this world with a 2 month old daughter behind and instead of trying to help this woman who obviously needed words of encouragement and to be lifted up a user posted that "this isn't the place." Ladies people suffer from depression. It is more common than you think your no less of a person if you suffer with depression regardless of it is post partum or not. Please seek the help you deserve. I have almost lost my sister due to depression on multiple occasions.... from her taking bottle fulls of pills to cutting her wrists..... luckily she was found before anything more serious happened.... 
To the lady who posted. Your daughter does not hate you. She needs her mother in her life not a note please seek help!!! She is going to need her mother for any and every little thing that happens in her life. Please!!! Do not harm yourself and seek some attention from a medical professional immediately!!! Praying for you and that you find the peace and comfort you deserve!!!!